The decision to rehome your dog is heart-wrenching enough. Now the process doesn’t have to be so stressful and uncertain.
How I Met My Dog™ will search for the best match for your dog. We give you the assurance that your dog’s new family will love your dog for who he (or she) really is.
Create your dog’s pet profile and we immediately start looking for the best matches.
You receive an email every time you get a new application.
You can use your How I Met My Dog dashboard to communicate directly with adopters.
If the chemistry feels right, finalize the adoption.
We find the right home because we ask the right questions.
No one knows your dog better than you do. That’s why our in-depth rehoming survey asks about your dog’s behavior, personality, needs, likes, dislikes, and quirks, too. Potential adopters also fill out a 56-question behavior and lifestyle survey. That means every How I Met My Dog match is a custom match.
comPETibility matters™
How I Met My Dog digs deeper. Using the key factors of Personality, Expectations, and Training Style, our proprietary P.E.T. Profile™ filters for more than 30 levels of human and dog compatibility. Why so many filters? Because relationships are complex and the one with your furriest family member is no exception.
Communicating through the How I Met My Dog website allows you to decide when it’s time for prospective pet parents to meet you and your dog.
Your dog’s new home is out there.