How I Met My Dog


comPETibility is what happens when you achieve a balanced relationship that works for you and your dog.

At How I Met My Dog we’re all about celebrating and enriching your relationship with your dog. Our custom matches are just the beginning.

Whether turning a game into a training session or a simple trick into an exercise in canine self-confidence, How I Met My Dog gives you the tools and the perspective to make your partnership the best it can be.

Sneeze-onal Allergies in Dogs

Did you know that dogs can suffer from seasonal allergies just like humans? Seasonal allergies in canines are caused by the same irritants...
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Easy DIY Dog Treat Recipes for the Holidays

Looking for something to give the dog person in your life? Or, maybe you’re looking for something to give your own dog for the holidays?...
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Small Business Saturday Spotlight (with discount codes!)

With the holidays in full swing and the effects of COVID-19 still creating waves in our economy, we want to do our part and highlight some...
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Dog Show 101 – Viewers Guide to watching the National Dog Show

Here at How I Met My Dog we dive deep and like to find out more about a dog’s individual personality. Tailoring your training and...
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3 Fun, outdoor fall activities – that all include your dog

It’s unanimous! If you’re a dog parent, no matter where you live, fall is the best season to spend as much time as possible outdoors...
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Conjunctivitis in Dogs

Did you know that your dog can get Pink Eye? If your answer is ‘no,’ you’re not alone! Most of us associate Pink Eye with...
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How I Met My Dog Speaks to: 001 Jacqueline Prehogan – Founder and CEO of Canada Pooch

Canada Pooch is an international canine apparel company with a vision to bring the standards of the human apparel industry to the dog...
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Crate Expectations: Everything you Need to Know about Crate Training your Dog

Whether the dog you bring home is a puppy or an adult they will need some time to adjust to their new surroundings. One of the best ways...
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3 Not-So-Harmless Outdoor Activites and How to Prevent Your Dog From Getting Sick from Them

With warm, long summer days and cooped up COVID mentalities, the world seems to be spending as much time outside as possible. Hooray! That...
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Rescue Reads: 7 Fabulous Books About Rescue Dogs

Summer is a great time to grab a book, catch a tan and learn more about your favorite four-legged friends. Love to read but never know...
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8 Tips to Help Your Dog Cope With the Fourth of July Festivities (and Loud Noises in General)

Who doesn’t love a great fireworks display? Dogs - that’s who. While some dogs are less affected by the vibrations and noises that...
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4 Tips for Successful Off Leash Outings

Letting your pup run off leash is one the best ways for them to let off some steam and burn extra calories. With no need to slow their...
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