Sneeze-onal Allergies in Dogs
Did you know that dogs can suffer from seasonal allergies just like humans? Seasonal allergies in canines are caused by the same irritants that kick up seasonal allergies in humans and can often be treated in a similar way. Read on to understand more about if your dog has allergies, and if so, how to treat them.
Does my dog have allergies?
The most common symptom of seasonal allergies in dogs is itchy skin but runny rose, ear infections, red watery eyes or sneezing fits can also be signs that your dog is suffering an allergic reaction. When your dog encounters an allergen, their immune system responds just like ours and inflammation occurs. Just like humans, dogs are most likely to suffer from pollen, grass and mold. Here’s a monthly guide to the most prevalent spring and summertime allergens in the US:
March – Tree pollens
April – Blooming flowers
May – Tree, flower and some early grass pollens
June – Grass
July – Fungus and mold spores
August – Fungus and mold spores
September – Ragweed
If left unmanaged, allergy symptoms can cause your dog to itch themselves raw leaving them open to infections and severe discomfort.
If the warm weather brings itching and sneezing with it, it’s likely that your dog is suffering from seasonal allergies.
How do I treat my dog’s allergies?
If your dog is showing any signs or symptoms of seasonal allergies, it’s important to bring your dog to the vet to confirm that it’s just allergies and not a more serious immune system diagnosis. Once your vet confirms its allergies, if they are mild, they will likely prescribe an OTC medication like Benadryl or Claritin. Check the label of your antihistamines and make sure there’s no decongestants or pseudoephedrine’s because those are NOT safe for dogs. If your dog’s allergic reactions are severe, your vet may suggest a customized injectable serum to tackle your dog’s specific allergens.
If your dog has itchy skin, your vet may also prescribe a medicated wash. Our favorite OTC wash is called Zymox. It has a great smell and the conditioning rinse can be left on the skin for long lasting relief.
We can’t always prevent the things that cause our dogs discomfort but being a watchful Pet Parent and keeping an eye for any changes in our dog’s behavior is the key for catching and treating any ailment early so you and your pup can get back to enjoying life together.

Bee in your Bonnet
Spring and Summer time bring beautiful blooming flowers and buzzing bees. If your dog comes inside with a swollen nose or face, they likely got stung by a bee. Always call your vet to determine if you should bring your pup in for a visit. Some Benadryl and an ice pack will usually do the trick.